X2F is Revolutionizing the Molding Industry

Controlled Viscosity Molding (CVM) is a disruptive technology that represents a profound break from standard molding technologies, enabling the manufacture of next-generation products by expanding the possibilities of molding products with highly-filled, ultra high-performance polymers that imbue products with enhanced properties.

Limitations of Standard Molding Technologies

injection molding equipment

Conventional Injection Molding (CIM)

  • Utilizes Extreme Pressure (Up to 30,000 to 40,000 PSI)
  • Material and Parts are Subjected to Extreme Shear Stresses
  • High Shear Stresses Create Molded-In Stresses
  • High Shear Stresses Lead to Abrasive Wear on Tooling
  • High Skill Requirement for Part Designers
  • Very Difficult to In-Mold Electronics and Batteries
  • Limited to Standard Materials with Standard Material Properties
conformal coating

Conformal Coating

  • Does Not Provide Thermal Conductivity
  • Requires Energy Intensive Secondary Curing Process
  • Emits Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • Requires Labor Intensive Masking and Demasking Processes
  • Large Floor Space Requirement for Masking and Demasking
  • Can Require Large Amount of Flammable Storage
  • Difficult to QC and Inspect
3d printing

3D Printing

  • Slow Manufacturing Process
  • Limited Material Selection
  • Parts Typically Require Post-Processing
  • Difficult to Scale from Prototype to High-Volume Production
  • High Piece Part Cost at Scale
  • High Space Requirements at Scale


  • Slow Manufacturing Process
  • Often Requires Precise Mixing
  • Requires Time and Energy Intensive Secondary Curing
  • Emits Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
  • Requires Substantial Work-In-Process Inventory
  • Rework is Very Difficult / Virtually Impossible
  • Not Conducive to Product Recyclability at End-of-Life
low pressure molding

Low-Pressure Molding

  • Requires a Melt Tank
  • Gear Pump Unable to Process Filled Materials
  • Low Part Volume Capabilities
  • Low Precision / Part Definition