Supporting a Greener Tomorrow
X2F is fully committed to sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint of the global manufacturing environment. We partner with our customers to provide manufacturing solutions that use less energy, produce less waste and enable them to meet their corporate sustainability objectives.
Global Regulations and Monitoring
Sustainable business practices are no longer just nice to have. They’ve become ambitious requirements, regulated by government and environmental protection agencies, with oversight at the highest corporate levels. Reducing the impact of technology on people and the environment requires rethinking how products are designed and manufactured, finding new ways of doing things and implementing changes that support a greener tomorrow.
X2F’s solutions enable the use of advanced renewable materials such as bio-based polymers obtained from renewable sources that minimize environmental impacts and conserve energy and natural resources, helping you meet your sustainability objectives.

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
About 400 million tons of plastic waste is produced globally each year. Only about 10% is currently recycled and reused, with about 90% ending up in landfills where it can leach into the earth’s waterways, rivers and oceans, creating negative environmental, economic and health consequences.
X2F’s molding processes support reduced consumption, recycling and reuse of materials. Their patented CVM processes easily mold ultra high-performance polymers composites, advanced bio-based polymers and mixed recycled plastics.
Free of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
X2F’s processes mold advanced VOC free materials and provide sustainable VOC free alternatives to gasketing, conformal coating and potting.
VOCs are a class of chemicals that can vaporize into the air. They are common pollutants that can cause a variety of health effects including eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, nausea, and damage to internal organs or the central nervous system. The impact of the health effects are dependent on the specific chemical, concentrations and exposure time. Among the most toxic and carcinogenic are trichloroethylene and vinyl chloride.

Saving Energy and Reducing the CO2 Footprint
X2F processes reduce the CO2 footprint of the manufacturing environment by consuming 10-20% less energy than competitive manufacturing techniques. Our processes:
- Eliminate the need for post cure ovens, reducing the manufacturing footprint while saving time and energy.
- Reduce the number of parts needed in an assembly, enhancing efficiencies throughout the organization from warehousing and logistics to assembly cycle time.
- Provide multiple benefits with one powerful solution, eliminating the need for multiple technologies to enhance product performance and improve product reliability.